Public Consultation
Community Land Management Plan - Former NRM Site
Pursuant to the Local Government Act 1999 s198.
The District Council of Loxton Waikerie is seeking community feedback regarding the proposed Community Land Management Plan for Crown Record Volume 6305 Folio 209, formerly used by the Natural Resources Management program.
At its meeting held 19 February 2025, Council moved to adopt the draft Community Land Management Plan, which will allow the intended lessees to use the premises for business use, expansion of a childcare centre, and the development of a new childcare facility to meet growing community needs.
Under section 198 of the Local Government Act 1999, Council is required to undertake public consultation prior to adopting an amended Community Land Management Plan.
To enable the occupation of the former NRM site by the Loxton District Children's Centre, the Council is required to undertake a staged approach to public consultation. Below is a timeline indicating consultations that have already been completed for this site (and their purpose), as well as those still to come.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Change of land dedication to include 'childcare services'
Consultation required to enable childcare services to be undertaken on site.
Timeline item 2 - complete
Facilities lease agreement - former NRM Building
Endorsement of a facilities lease agreement required to enable the Loxton District Children's Centre to occupy the former NRM building to extend their child care services.
Timeline item 3 - active
Community Land Management Plan (CLMP)
A CLMP is required for any Council-owned land that will be leased to a party that intends to utilise it for business purposes. A lease cannot be granted to the Loxton District Children's Centre for the land to construct a new childcare facility without successful public consultation on the CLMP.
Timeline item 4 - incomplete
Long-term lease agreement
Following successful public consultation for the CLMP, a draft lease will be released for community feedback. This is a requirement under the Local Government Act 1999 for any long-term lease or licence on Council land (21 years).
To view the proposed Community Land Management Plan, click here.
To provide your feedback, please use the feedback form on this webpage, or use any of the methods listed below.
Public Consultation will take place between Wednesday 5 March and Wednesday 26 March 2025.
Submissions from the community are also encouraged
- by email at, or
- by post to PO Box 409, Loxton SA 5333, or
- in person, in writing, at the Council’s offices at 35 Bookpurnong Road, Loxton or Strangman Road, Waikerie.
If you wish to present your submission to the Council in person or by advocate, please indicate that in your submission.
Written submissions will be accepted until 5.00 pm on Wednesday 26 March 2025.
For further information please contact Andrew Waters, Director of Commercial and Community Services, on 8584 8000.
David Beaton
Chief Executive Officer