2023-24 Budget
Council are currently preparing for the 2023-24 financial year with budget considerations and Annual Business Plan preparation.
Council are currently preparing for the 2023-24 financial year with budget considerations and Annual Business Plan preparation.
Construction of stormwater retention dam following designs created for Hart Lagoon for water reuse as irrigation.
Development of a new Loxton Library, Visitor Information and Cultural Centre in the old Council office on East Tce.
Redevelopment of the Waikerie Boat Ramp located on Edgar Bartlett Drive.
Replacement of Jetty at the Waikerie Riverfront.
Community input is welcomed on the operating hours of the local Waste Transfer Stations in order to reduce disposal costs.
Public Consultation - Pursuant to Section 202 (2) of the Local Government Act 1999
Improved connectivity between East Terrace and the riverfront, including a staircase, lookout area, landscaping and lighting, pram ramps linking with surrounding paths.
Construction of a new Waikerie Riverfront Community Hub, jointly owned by DCLW and the Waikerie Football Club.
Participate in the Growth Strategy engagement for DCLW
Public Consultation - Pursuant to Council Resolution ORD2023-247
Have your say on the playground equipment to be installed at the Waikerie Apex Park Playground!
Help us shape the future of our district by contributing your feedback to Council's Draft Community Strategic Plan.
Council are currently preparing for the 2024-25 financial year with budget considerations and Annual Business Plan production.
Help us plan for some magnificent Fringe experiences next year by providing your feedback in a short survey about this year's River Fringe festival.
Provide your feedback on the proposed speed limit changes within the district as part of Council's speed limit review.
Infrastructure and public amenities on the Loxton Riverfront will soon be upgraded allowing the community to enjoy the river while water for the environment is delivered.
Community input is welcomed on the operating hours of the local Waste Transfer Stations to better suit community needs.
Public Consultation - Pursuant to Section 202 (2) of the Local Government Act 1999
Council invites submissions from the community for the name of the new Loxton Library, Visitor Information & Cultural Centre.
Council's Code of Practice for Access to Council and Committee Meetings and Documents is currently open for public consultation.
Council's Draft Long Term Financial Plan for 2024-2034 is now open for public consultation.
Council is inviting community feedback on all of its by-laws as part of its current by-law review.
Council is seeking community feedback on the lease agreement for the Paruna Golf Club.
Pursuant to s198 of the Local Government Act 1999
Council is welcoming feedback from the public on its Draft Asset Management Plan for the the next 10 years.
Council is seeking feedback regarding the proposed Community Land Management Plan and draft sub-licence agreement for the operation of the Murray River Queen in Loxton.
Council invites community comment on the proposed lease agreement for Woodleigh to operate at the former NRM building.
Council invites feedback from the community regarding the proposed long term lease agreement for the Waikerie Football and Sporting Club.
Council invites community input on the development of a Stormwater Management Plan for Loxton and Waikerie townships.
Council are currently preparing for the 2025-26 financial year with budget considerations and Annual Business Plan production. Have your say!
You are invited to have your say about “Ageing Well”, and what this means to you or a loved one.
Council has commenced concept planning and design work to guide the potential redevelopment and upgrade of the Loxton and Waikerie Swimming Pools. Have your say!
Council invites community feedback on the proposed community land management plan for the former NRM site.
Council is seeking public feedback on a proposal to revoke the community land classification of Lot 78 Drabsch Street, Loxton.
Have questions or want to learn more about a project, engagement or consultation? Contact us below:
Phone | 08 8584 8000 |
council@lwdc.sa.gov.au | |
Website | www.loxtonwaikerie.sa.gov.au |