In September 2023, a draft Loxton Waikerie Growth Strategy (the Strategy) was presented to Council and endorsed for public consultation.

The Strategy provides a clear plan for how the region should grow to become more liveable, competitive and sustainable over the next 30 years. The Strategy specifically informs:

  • Future rezoning proposals
  • Infrastructure investment decisions
  • Council’s advocacy role in growth management issues
  • Decisions around the use of community land and assets

Based on current population trends, Council selected a medium growth scenario for the region, this is an average annual increase of 426 people.

A vision, objectives and actions were developed for the region and the townships of Loxton, Loxton North, Waikerie, Kingston on Murray, Moorook and Ramco (Sunlands) to support this growth. Overarching objectives were identified for smaller settlements within the Council area.

A land supply analysis identified that some townships will require land to be rezoned to support future employment and residential growth.

The growth areas, objectives, strategies and actions for each township can be viewed in the document library.

Engage with us:

Council invited members of the public to provide their feedback on the draft Strategy, through a number of different avenues - community pop-up sessions were held in both Loxton and Waikerie in October, and an online survey, interactive map, and Q&A forum were made available online for submissions.

Public consultation concluded Tuesday 17 October 2023. Following consideration of public feedback and submissions and the provision of a community engagement summary from URPS (engagement facilitator), the finalised Strategy was presented to Council at its meeting held 21 February 2024, and was adopted by the Elected Members.

To view the finalised Strategy and a summary of the engagement provided by URPS, please use the file linked within the document library (right hand side of this page), or head to Council's website.