Public Consultation

Revocation of Land from Classification as Community Land

Pursuant to the Local Government Act 1999 s194.

The District Council of Loxton Waikerie is seeking community feedback on a proposal to revoke the Community Land classification of a parcel of Council-owned land on Drabsch Street, Loxton, for the purpose of selling the land for future housing development.

The property is situated at Lot 78 Drabsch Street in Loxton, Certificate of Title Volume 570 Folio 964 (being Allotment 78 in Filed Plan 10230). The land has not been used as a reserve and is located near considerable nearby open space. Proceeds from the sale will be held in general revenue and used to benefit the residents of the Council’s communities.

In accordance with s194 of the Local Government Act 1999, Council is required to conduct public consultation prior to lodging an application to the Minister to revoke the community land classification.

To view the revocation proposal, click here.

To provide your feedback, please use the feedback form on this webpage, or use any of the methods listed below.

Public consultation will take place between Wednesday 5 March and Tuesday 2 April 2025.

Submissions from the community are also encouraged

  • by email at, or
  • by post to PO Box 409, Loxton SA 5333, or
  • in person, in writing, at the Council’s offices at 35 Bookpurnong Road, Loxton or Strangman Road, Waikerie.

If you wish to present your submission to the Council in person or by advocate, please indicate that in your submission.

Written submissions will be accepted until 5pm on Tuesday 2 April 2025.

For further information please contact Andrew Waters, Director of Commercial and Community Services, on 8584 8000.

David Beaton
Chief Executive Officer