The District Council of Loxton Waikerie is developing an Ageing Well Strategy, in response to the increased number of older people living in the area. Currently 47.5% of the population is aged 50 years or older within the District Council of Loxton Waikerie.
Council is dedicated to building a strong sense of community among its residents and improving their quality of life through various initiatives. The development of a comprehensive Ageing Well Strategy is crucial, as it will pinpoint key areas that need enhancement or development and act as a proactive measure to address the evolving needs of the growing population of older residents.
Healthy Environs has been engaged by Council to develop an inclusive, whole district Ageing Well Strategy with DCLW staff, Elected Members, stakeholders, and the local community. This strategy will leverage community and existing local capacity strengths.
This project is supported by the South Australian Government‘s Office for Ageing Well, through the Age Friendly SA Grant program.
Have Your Say
You are invited to have your say about “Ageing Well”, and what this means to you or a loved one.
To get involved, please complete the below survey, or visit us at the Loxton Council Office or Loxton and Waikerie Libraries to receive a hardcopy.
Through this survey, we want to understand how you are feeling about a range of aspects and importantly, if you consider that you are living well and if you feel empowered in your community.
All information received from this survey will be used to inform the Ageing Well Strategy. If you would like a Council staff member to assist you compete this survey or would like this survey translated, please phone Sue Schultz on 08 8584 8000 or email
The survey will be open for responses from Monday 10 February until 5pm Friday 28 February 2025.