Public Consultation

Speed Limit Review

Council is currently undertaking a review of default speed limits in the council district. Over time, outlying areas of Loxton and Waikerie have become more heavily populated prompting a need to review the current speed limits in place.

Current road rules specify that you must drive the sign posted speed on roads where signs are displayed. If no signs are present, the roads then fall into ‘default’ categories. Default categories such as ‘built up areas’ are concentrated dwelling deposits in rural areas and are then classed as 50 km/h, if they meet the set criteria. Where there are no speed limit signs in rural areas, the default speed is 100 km/h.

Attached is an interactive map showing the areas that are included in the speed limit review. Council is recommending that all roads with a default speed limit of 100km/h that fall inside the signified locations are reduced, creating 80km/h speed limit areas.

The default speed limits under review are predominantly the irrigation areas which have over time become more densely populated, resulting in higher vehicle movements. Any speed sign that is already lower than 80km/h is to remain.

Providing your feedback

Please provide your feedback using the interactive map below to navigate around the different areas under review. Indicate your level of support for the changes by dropping the associated marker (tick, cross, or question mark) at a point on the map, and adding a comment and your details.

You can also make a submission:

  • by email at,
  • by post to PO Box 409, Loxton SA 5333, or
  • in person, in writing, at the Council’s offices at 35 Bookpurnong Road, Loxton or Strangman Road, Waikerie.

Contributions to this public consultation will be accepted until 5.00 pm on Thursday 25 April 2024.