Following safety and hazard inspections, it was identified that the Waikerie Jetty was in need of replacement.
To address this issue, the Council has engaged Infrastructure Consulting (IC) to design and investigate the construction of a new jetty. However, shortly after their engagement the 2022 River Murray Flood event significantly impacted the area and the project was placed on hold.
Design Concept
Initially, IC aimed to create a design that could withstand significant flooding (up to approx. 100GL/day). However, it was found that this design would obstruct access to the riverfront. As a result, a modified approach was adopted to balance flood protection and usability. The proposed design includes a shorter gangway that can be easily removed during moderate flooding (approx. 65GL/day). Additionally, the jetty will be constructed with sturdy piles extending 5.1m above the pool level, allowing the pontoons to remain commissioned until the flow at the border reaches approximately 110GL/day.
Council Endorsement
At its meeting held Wednesday 21 June 2023, the Council was presented with a recommendation to endorse the demolition of the existing jetty and replace with the new jetty, as well as concept design '1B' which incorporates a T-Shape with gangway and 20m of floating pontoons.
The motion was carried, which will allow Council to progress with the project within the allocated budget of $357,000 (adopted in the 2022-23 Annual Business Plan).
In 2022, Council secured $178,000 funding towards the project from the Australian Government under the Preparing Australian Communities Program.
Completed Project