Public Consultation

Council By-Laws

The District Council of Loxton Waikerie invites members of the community to provide feedback on all of its by-laws currently up for review.

About Council's By-laws

The Local Government Act 1999 and other Acts provide Council with the ability and authority to make by-laws for the good rule and government of the area, and for the convenience, comfort and safety of its community. By-laws may have clauses that prohibit, regulate, control, restrict or require permits for certain activities.

By-laws are legally enforceable within the Council area and penalties can apply for breaches or conduct that is contrary to the requirements of by-laws. All by-laws are reviewed every 7 years and the review and or development of by-laws requires public consultation that ensures consideration of public feedback.

Public Consultation

At its meeting held Wednesday 17 July 2024, Council moved (ORD2024-162) to endorse the draft:

  • Permits and Penalties By-law 2024,
  • Local Government Land By-law 2024,
  • Roads By-law 2024,
  • Moveable Signs By-law 2024,
  • Dogs By-law 2024,
  • Cats By-law 2024, and
  • Camping and Mooring By-law 2024,

and release the draft documents for public consultation and submission to the Dog and Cat Management Board (By-laws 5 & 6).

Public Consultation will take place between Friday 9 August 2024 and Friday 30 August 2024.

To view each of the draft by-laws, please utilise the Document Library at the bottom of the page. Paper copies are available upon request.

Please provide your feedback by utilising the feedback form on this page, indicating your level of support for the by-laws and any changes you would like to see in the final document.

You can also make a submission:

  • by email at,
  • by post to PO Box 409, Loxton SA 5333, or
  • in person, in writing, at the Council’s offices at 35 Bookpurnong Road, Loxton or Strangman Road, Waikerie.

If you wish to present your submission to the Council in person or by advocate, please indicate that in your submission.

Written submissions will be accepted until 5.00 pm Friday 30 August 2024.

For further information please contact Council on 8584 8000.