Project Information
The Loxton Library and Visitor Information Centre (VIC) has long been popular with the community, and with increasing demand, the Council recognised the need to expand its space and enhance its services.
In parallel, a Council working group was formed to explore improvements to the Loxton and Waikerie Public Toilets. During the group's discussions, environmental testing was conducted at the Loxton Council Chamber at 29 East Terrace, following internal flooding caused by a storm. The testing revealed unsafe levels of mould, rendering the building unfit for occupation. As a result, the Council relocated its Loxton Office to 35 Bookpurnong Terrace, leaving the Council Chamber vacant.
The Loxton Library, Visitor Information Centre & Public Toilet Working Group – composed of both Council staff and Elected Members – examined various options for the area. After thorough deliberation, they recommended relocating the Library and Visitor Information Centre to the former Council Office building at 29 East Terrace, following necessary mould remediation and building upgrades. The existing library on East Terrace would be demolished to make way for new public toilets and landscaped open space. The working group then developed a design and cost estimates for the project, which was formally adopted as part of the 2022-23 Annual Business Plan.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Stage 1
Design, construct and commission fit for use the new Loxton Library, Visitor Information and Cultural Centre
Timeline item 2 - active
Stage 2
Design, demolish existing toilet/library building and construct new Public Amenities block
Stage 1 Project Completion
Following the temporary closure of services at the existing location, the new library, visitor information and cultural centre, known as the ‘Loxton Institute’ officially reopened to the public on Monday 18 November 2024.
The space boasts a welcoming environment for everyone, with a dedicated local history section, visitor information area with local products and Loxton merchandise, bookable meeting rooms, library services, children’s room, breezeway and outdoor area.
All members of the community are welcomed to visit from 9am-5pm Monday-Friday, and 10am-2pm on weekends. Details on an official opening event are still to come.